iris janke fotografie photography suedpark iris janke fotografie photography suedpark
iris janke fotografie photography suedpark
iris janke fotografie photography suedpark iris janke fotografie photography suedpark
iris janke fotografie photography suedpark
iris janke fotografie photography suedpark
iris janke fotografie photography suedpark

Südpark IV, 2022 (work in progress)
photographic series of 86 images, projection

The “Am Südpark” neighbourhood was the last addition to city of Halle-Neustadt in eastern Germany. Never included in the original architectural concept for Neustadt, it has a poorer quality of urban planning and living. It has a scarcity of open meeting spaces and lacks a functioning district center. The people live on the outskirts, and are generally forced to assert themselves through a lifestyle characterised by social hardship. In the summer of 2022, I spent three weeks in “Südpark” and met people on the soccer field, at the bus station, and next to the takeaway and supermarket. Thanks to Air Southpark / TWIMC for the invitation.